
目前顯示的是 6月, 2015的文章

8 Idioms with "HAVE" in English

Got Point: Bill has a sweet tooth. 嘴巴很甜。


【秒殺文法】超實用的IF假設語氣,讓你看一次就明白! 我們在生活中常常做假設,通常假設未來發生的事都不會有什麼問題;但若是假設過去發生的事,那可能就頭痛了怎麼有時用過去簡單式,有時又用過去完成式? 首先,你分得清楚這三句話嗎? 1. If Tom has time, he will visit us. 2. If Tom had time, he would visit us. 3. If Tom had had time, he would have visited us.

6個最常搞錯的問句》在路上被問Do you have "the" time,究竟該怎麼回答?

6個最常搞錯的問句》在路上被問Do you have "the" time,究竟該怎麼回答? 加上了 the 是表示你「限定」了 time 為「現在時刻」;如果沒有 the,time 就變成了沒有限定的時間,就會是「有沒有空」的意思。 Do you have (the) time? Do you have time? Wanna have a cup of coffee with me?(你有空嗎?想跟我喝杯咖啡嗎?) Do you have the time? My cell phone is dead.(你知道現在幾點嗎?我的手機掛了。)