
目前顯示的是 11月, 2014的文章



Oracle PL SQL Row To Column

最近因為有需求需要處理Row to Column 剛好有買了一本書( 已經絕版 )嗯嗯,有印象翻一下書剛好說明如何實做及解說。(利用 PIVOT 方式) 再找了一些網站剛好有一些人解說其方法,其實不用PIVOT也可以使用SUM+DECODE 及 WITH+Sub  SELECT 來處理。 我是參考這 網站 說明得很清楚,大家可以參考一下,底下說明一下網站中介紹四種方法。 Example # 1a: Transpose rows into columns using SUM and DECODE to summarize data Example # 1b: Transpose rows into columns using MAX and DECODE – for non-summarized data Example # 2:  Transpose rows into columns using the Oracle PIVOT operator 注意一下Oracle 版本是否有支援PIVOT Example # 3: Transpose rows into columns using WITH and sub SELECTS 另外, Oracle 原廠 也有介紹及說明。 參考網址    參考網址 另外一篇 Otacle PL SQL Columns To Rows   EXCEL 也可以作到此功能: 原始資料如下:



Phrasal Verbs - FALL: fall for, fall in, fall behind, fall through...

Got Point: Fall apart    崩潰;解散 Fall out    掉出來 Fall behind  落後,跟不上 Fall for  愛上,迷戀;受…騙,上…當 Fall through 失敗,落空,成為泡影 Fall in (with)  偶然碰到;與…一致,符合,適合,贊同 Fall back (on) 退守,退卻到…;求助於,轉而依靠…

Cheers --當人資問你:「你為什麼想要來我們公司?」3個絕招讓你闖關成功

Cheers 原始連結資料 真是不錯的回答方式紀錄一下,以備後續需要用到可以馬上使用。 雇主:為什麼你想要來我們公司工作? 【招式一:反問法】表現個人最大價值與優勢,讓人不願錯過你的好! 若你已經算是有豐富經歷、而且是有自信的人時,就可以嘗試使用這個方法。 直接反問人資主管說:「不好意思,想請問為什麼貴公司願意給我這個機會來面試,可否讓我瞭解你們眼中我的優勢在哪裡?」(記住,自信但要有禮貌謙恭地詢問。) 通常對方都會回覆你,就算他們停頓了幾秒,對你這樣的反問有點驚訝,但還是會回答你的。

Learn basic English vocabulary for cleaning your house

Got Point: "Spill" -- what is "spilling"? A "spill" is when you have, you know, a liquid, and you drop it on the floor, and it goes everywhere. This is a sink. That's where you put them, by the way. Did you know they're called "sink"? This is called a "sink". You put your dishes in the sink, and you wash them. Okay? You put them in the machine. We call that a "washing machine". A lot of times, we don't say, "I'm washing my clothes." In fact, we mostly say, "I'm doing my laundry", but we'll come back to that. Okay? So you've got "laundry" to wash. "Scrubbing" is when you want to go really, really hard on something because it's hard to clean.

Speak English: How to say words that end with -ION


Learn English - 6 fun idioms about DREAMS

Got Point: Dream Idioms It was a dream come true. I wouldn't dream of it. It was like a dream. In your dreams!  Dream on! It was beyond my wildest dreams. It's a dream __________

Extreme English!

Got Point:

Chrome Bookmark Manager 擴充元件安裝後當機處理方案

 嚐新!就會出惡果 安裝 Bookmark Manager 第一天還蠻新鮮的,第二天開啟要研究一下,窩哩勒當機,連舊的星星書籤管理也不見了,無法管理舊有的書籤,谷歌新擴充元件還於開發期真不穩定,連要主動刪除擴充元件還找不到勒。 找了網路一段時間,才找到解法紀錄一下: 在Chrom 瀏覽器輸入列鍵入 chrome://flags/ 然後出現