
目前顯示的是 10月, 2016的文章

Visual Studio 2015 設定固定IIS Express port 方法及產生垃圾減肥方式

圖片來源 參考來源 必須要修改文件檔名為 ApplicationHost.config,文件路徑 %systemdrive%\Users\<YourWindowsUsername>\Documents\IISExpress\config 利用文字編輯器,打開 ApplicationHost.config 此檔案,搜尋關鍵字 <bindings> 修改紅色字即為port number <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*: 56422 :localhost" /> 請注意,不要修改到其它的文件內文。   另外,Visual Stduio 會產生一些很大的文件暫存檔,可以清除路徑如下: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files %systemdrive%\Users\<YourWindowsUsername>\Documents\IISExpress\Logs %systemdrive%\Users\<YourWindowsUsername>\Documents\IISExpress\TraceLogFiles

Preparing for a Job Interview

Preparing for a Job Interview, 1 of 5 Small Talk: .be polite .keep it short Practice: How are you doing? I’m great, thanks you. And you? I’m doing really well. It’s such a nice day out there. It’s. It was perfect weather all weekend. It was. Did you do anything interesting over the weekend? Yes. I went to the park with my family for a picnic. That sounds nice. It was. And you? I worked this weekend. But I got a lot done, so that was good. It does feel good to get work done. Tell me a little bit about youraelf. Focus on education and work history. I studied at Harvard University and graduated in 2012 with a degree in Business. I’ve been working at Smith, Inc. for 10 years as a manager. I have 12 years of experience in graphic design. Because of my time at Verizon, I have a lot of experience in providing customer service. TK: So, to get started, why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself. RS: Sure. I studied at the University of Florida and graduated in 201