
目前顯示的是 2017的文章

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.5.2 New Web Site 不見了?

一般Visual Stduio 2015 檔案—>新增—>網站 可以開啟新增的網站程式,但是更新為Visual Studio 2017 後發現不見了? 剛好看到別人 米米貓學開發Blog 我自己也更新註記一下

面試時,記得問主考官這6個問題 --天下雜誌

面試時,記得問主考官這6個問題 底下是你在面試之時,不該忘記提出的6個聰明問題: 1. 為什麼會有這個職缺? 2. 讓人留在這間公司的原因是什麼? 3. 如果公司雇用了我,我在加入公司的前6至12個月內,應該完成的、三件最重要的事是什麼? 4. 這個職位的績效如何定義? 5. 我有說過什麼話,讓你懷疑我可能不適合這個職位嗎? 6. 決定錄取與否的時程表為何?我是否可以打電話或寫電子郵件給你、了解一下後續情況?


轉自小朱 [SQL Server][Security] 你認為偷懶的方法卻是最安全的方法 因此基本上最佳的安全方法,反而是使用 Windows 驗證。 小朱說的人,我一下就想到 無法開啟登入所要求的資料庫 xxx。登入失敗。 使用者 'XXX\yyyy' 的登入失敗 學海無涯!

Powershell Script to export Active Directory users to CSV 中文亂碼處理方式及數字補零

Powershell Script to export Active Directory users to CSV 1. CSV檔案中文會亂碼:請使用上面Powershell 的程式,最後一段加入紅色字樣,即可達成匯出中文字不會亂碼。      #Export CSV report      Export-Csv -Path $csvfile -NoTypeInformation -encoding utf8 2. EXCEL直接打開完成的CSV會出現數字沒有補零的問題:原始檔案數字 0010 結果EXCEL中僅顯示 10 ,如何讓前面零出現 解決方法以EXCEL 2010為範例: 開始EXCEL –>資料—>從文字檔—>選擇要匯入的檔案 完成後收工。
bucket list a  list  of the things that a  person  would like to do or  achieve  before they  die : I have so many things  on  my  bucket   list   yet  to do.

English in a Minute: Turn the Tables

turn the tables on sb to  change  a  situation  so that you now have an  advantage  over someone who previously  had an  advantage  over you: She  turned  the  tables  on her  rival  with  allegations  of  corruption .


Do著重過程(process) Make講結果(product) He is doing some thinking.(他在思考。) He has made a decision.(他己經做了決定。) Thinking是一個過程,用do decision是一個結果,用make He does the cooking at home.(他在家煮飯。) He made dinner.(他做了晚餐。) Cooking是一個過程,用do dinner是煮好了的成果,用make。 do the housework(做家事) make coffee(煮咖啡) do my homework(做功課) make a promise(做承諾) do business(做生意) make enemies(樹敵) do exercises(做運動) make a difference(改變、有影響) do the laundry(洗衣服) make it a rule(養成習慣) 參考連結 make時間短 have時間長 make a copy(影印) have a dream(做夢) make a bed(鋪床) have a long conversation(談了很久) make a call(打電話) have a meeting(開會) make a lasting impression(留下深刻印象) have one's birthday(慶生)

Everyday Grammar: Expressions With "Other"

We would write to each other every month. Or you could say that you wrote to one another every month. The meaning in this case is the same. But most often each other is used to talk about two people. While one another refers to more than two people. We mentioned EACH OTHER and ONE ANOTHER, but there is also EVERY OTHER! I got to class every other day. EVERY OTHER talks about an “alternate.” means that one goes to class one day, not the next day, but then again on the third day. How about THE OTHER ? The other day, THE OTHER morning, THE OTHER week ? “I saw George the other day.”

Everyday Grammar: Could Have, Would Have

COULD HAVE means that something was possible in the past, but it did not happen. “I could have travelled the world, but I never got a pssport.” To from the negative, just add not betweend could and have. It means that something was impossible in the past. “I could not have travelled the world, because I never got a pssport.” WOULD HAVE is a bit more complicated since it has two common meanings. But we will only talk about the one that shows how you wanted to do something in the past, but you could not. I would have A , but I had to B. “ I would have called but I had to work.” The structure both modals is easy to remember. could/would + have + past participle verb Use have for all pronouns. Never use has or had to from a past modal. use COULD HAVE when something did not happen. use WOULD HAVE when something could not happen.

Everyday Grammar: Time Clause Before/After

Before + subject + verb After + subject + verb Before I went to work … After we finished our project …. A TIME CLAUSE can follow a main clause or be in front of a main clasue. Befor I went to work, I ate breakfast. We celevrated with frineds after we finished our project. We went to dinner after we finished our work. After we finished out work , we went to dinner.