How to use the 'seem'

How to use the 'seem'

1. 人+ seem + adj. -->ex. She seemed angry. (她似乎是生氣的。)
2. seem + like + 名詞 -->ex. The bread seems like a stone. (那個麵包看似一塊石頭。)
3. seem + to 原V ; seem not to + 原 V
-->ex1. He seems to be happy. (他似乎很快樂。)
-->ex2. He seems not to be happy. (他似乎不快樂。)
4. It seems that + 子句.
-->ex1. It seems that he is happy. (看樣子似乎他很快樂。)
-->ex2. It seems that he is not happy. (看樣子似乎他不快樂。)
<<※S. seem to +原V = It seems that S. +V.>>


