利用程式取得 AD 資訊及方法

[SQL]從sql server取得AD資訊

1. Create Linked Server : Active Directory Service Interface also known as ASDI
2. Querying Active Directory : Select * From OpenQuery
3. LDAP connection :
  • For our example it looks like this: LDAP://DOMAIN.com/OU=Players,DC=DOMAIN,DC=com
  • LDAP://Domain.com - is the name of a domain controller
  • /OU=Players - this is the Organization Unit, in our case (Players)
  • ,DC - this is the Domain Name broken up by domain and extension name
  • So....LDAP://DomainControllerName.com/OU=OrganizationalUnit,DC=DOMAIN,DC=NAME
4. LDAP 架構, 自己用 LDAP Qeury 


