
目前顯示的是 12月, 2015的文章


UUU 出品文章  作者:唐任威 而 Process Explorer 到了第 16 版之後,更提供了一個殺手級的功能 – 整合 VirusTotal。啟用方式非常簡單,只需要勾選「Options」選單中「VirusTotal.com」選單下的「Check VirusTotal.com」即可。在啟動該選項後,Process Explorer 就會針對每個執行中的程式顯示其 VirusTotal 上的病毒掃描結果,甚至連程式載入模組的掃描結果都有。 Autoruns 是一個用來檢測 Windows 開機時會自動載入哪些程式項目的工具。如果惡意程式的啟動方式跟作業系統開機項目有關,則透過 Autoruns 將可輕鬆找出有問題的開機項目。 Process Explorer Autoruns for Windows Sigcheck WSCC 整合工具箱,包含上面三個

"I studied MBA in the USA"要秀學歷一開口就漏氣?你應該這麼說.....

資料來源 例如,前幾年我到美國唸MBA。很多人會說: (X)I studied MBA in the USA a few years ago. (O)studied for an MBA (degree) in the USA a few years ago. (O)I did an MBA in the USA a few years ago. 「你讀哪一所學校?」有人會直接問: (X)What school did you study? (X)What school did you attend? 讀哪所學校,其實用go to school最自然,直接用 (O)What school did you go to?   (X)Sorry. I forgot my wallet at home. (O)Sorry. I left my wallet at home.


資料來源   第一步:禮貌招呼 Thank you for your email.(謝謝來信。) Thank you for your message.(謝謝你的訊息。) You have reached the mailbox of Jason Wang.(你已寄件給Jason Wang。) 第二步:告知不在,何時回來,有急事怎麼辦 I am currently out of the office with limited access to email.(我目前不在,不方便使用郵件。) I will be back on Nov. 25, 2015. Please refer all urgent matters to Ms. Jane Chen at the following email address [OOO].(我將於2015年11月25日回來。有急事請找陳小姐,她的郵件是[OOO]。) Our office is closed today due to a national holiday. I will be back in the office tomorrow and will reply to your email as soon as possible.(因國定假日我們公司今天不上班,我明天進辦公室會儘快回覆您的訊息。) 第三步:結尾,簡單的sign off Regards, (your name) Kind regards, (your name) Thank you for your message. Best regards, (your name) Regards, Kind regards和Best regards意思都差不多,regards是致上問候,有了kind和best或親切的問候、最好的問候。