
目前顯示的是 11月, 2016的文章

Pay and Prepositions: Learn English With Simple English Videos

He paid for the pizza. He paid the pizza guy $25 for th pizza. pay in (a currency) Can I pay in dollars ? I can pay in cash. pay by (method) Can I pay by credit card ? You can say ‘by cash’ or ‘in cash’. Quiz Time: I’ll pay for the drinks. I’ll pay the drinks.

Everyday Grammar: Reported Speech

Everyday Grammar: Reported Speech He                  said                                     that this is everyday grammar and that he’s Kaven. subject         reportting verb                   reported speech clause When trying to use reported speech you need to keep in mind four simple things. 1. You need to choose a reporting verb and tense. Examples: I’m hungry.                     He says he is hungry. 2. If you’re not reporting brand new information, you need to “backshift” the verb tense. present = past past = past perfect 3. You need to change the point of view. In other words, “I” becomes “he” or “she.” 4-1. You need to decide whether to use “that” or “if.” “That” is a conjunction and is optional. Examples: She says that she is visiting Alice. 4-2. Use “if” to report a yes or no question. Examples:  Are you hungry?                      She asked if I was hungry.

Listen and Hear: Learn English With Simple English Videos

hearing: unconscious listening: intentional Hearing: unconscious  SEE I can’t hear you very well. hear the readio Have you heard from Jason ? Listening:intentional LOOK Are you listening? you pay attention listen to the radio: we’re paying attention it hear the radio : if we hear the radio, it’s on and it’s background noise. listen listened listened      hear heard heard listen something listen the radio listen music listen to music I was listening to some music. hear Didn’t you hear me knocking? I’m hearing a really interesting program on the radio. I’m heard a really interesting program on the radio. I’m listing to a really interesting program on the radio. Listen   We decide to listen Hear     Hearing              happens              naturally See, Look or Watch? Learn English with Simple English Videos see see   saw seen see: unconscious look:  intentional watch: things that move look watching

Visual Studio 2015 FormView 無法自動產生 編輯 刪除 新增 的按鈕

使用Visual Stuido 2015 放置一個FormView 後發現真是奇怪,為何沒有出現 編輯/刪除/新增 這三個選項? 細探究原因,因為操作先後順序問題(微軟的Bug ?,我測試過GridView/DetailsView不會有這種現象) 為何勒,原來我第一次忘記選擇 產生INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE 陳述式(G)這一個,我是後來再去修改設定資料來源後勾選,才會有這個現象。 處理方案: 1. 刪除FormView 後在重新產生。 2. 利用HTML語法修改方式如下: 加入HTML語法後,出現的畫面如下:

Exchange 2010 上課教育訓練課程

Exchange 2010 企業常用功能介紹    課程大綱: 郵件進出的封存: 提供事後稽核與舉證能力(如果要根據某一位人事做單獨稽核,需要購買Enterprise Version才能作到) 郵件進出的保護: 使用RMS進行郵件存取控管 郵件傳送的控管: 透過郵件仲裁控制郵件傳送 郵件附檔的安全: 透過指定禁止傳送指定檔案類型 郵件快速搜尋: 透過快速的信箱搜尋找到所需的郵件內容 個人化郵件簽名檔: 提供統一套用但卻保留個人名稱的簽名檔(2:13 開始此單元介紹) 階層式通訊錄: 讓您的通訊錄以企業組織架構方式呈現(2:22 開始此單元介紹,匯入HAB Schema,依照組織建立相對應的萬用通訊錄群組,不是OU。不可使用ADUC建立極不支援舊版EXCHANGE所建立的群組) 如何在 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 中啟用階層式通訊錄功能 通訊錄原則: 讓使用者只能看到有權限讀取的全域通訊清單(2:35 開始此單元介紹)      1. 提供組織的GAL自訂檢視      2. 目的在於最佳化每一組使用者的GAL      3. 透過ABP建立使用者的虛擬區隔      4. 套用ABP的使用者信箱必須位於Exchange 2000 SP2伺服器上      5. 勿在通用類別目錄伺服氣上執行用戶端存取伺服器角色      6. 不能同時使用階層是通訊錄(HAB)與ABP OWA跨Site存取: 現在您的使用者終於可以跨站台快速登入存取 信箱匯出與匯入: 透過線上匯出與匯入快速建立信箱快照及還原 信箱資料庫備份還原: 透過內建備份程式備份信箱資料庫以及執行單一信箱之還原 建立會議室或設備信箱 Configure Exchange 2010 Room Mailbox Properties Create an Exchange 2010 Room Mailbox Creating and Managing Resource Mailbox in Exchange 2010 SP2

Learn English: BY or WITH? From ----- Learn English with Emma [engVid]

by verb ing I learned Karate by watching Youtube. with noun I write with a pen. By or With ? By noun = person, place, thing By = communication          transportation          other exceptions/examples examples: I will contact you by email. I will message you by text. I will go by bus. I came by car. With noun = body parts with = body parts             tools             instrument examples: Italians talk with their hands. I  point with my fingers. I cleaned the floor with a mop. I ate dinner with a flrk.

如何得知EXCHNGe 2010的版本資訊

資料參考來源一   Exchange Server Updates: build numbers and release dates EMC 的主控台上可以看到 EMS 利用指令可以看到 [PS] C:\> GCM exsetup |%{$_.Fileversioninfo}